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ESG & Sustainability Tech Consulting

Technology is the backbone of any successful transformation.

At Ifusion, we drive sustainability transformation through our ESG tech “by-design” services, solutions, and an ecosystem of partners and innovators.

Embedding the cause of making societies flourish in our mission, ours is a story of triple bottom-lined (People-Planet-Profits) value creation over decades, which has rendered us resilient against recent global adversity.

The vision of our sustainability services offering is to activate and accelerate our client’s journey to become a purpose-driven organization.We offer a ‘Sustainability First’ continuum that helps accelerate our clients’ journeys from being conscious to becoming purpose-driven to being a catalyst for their domain. Our green tech, sustainable intelligence services, and accelerators help our clients to systematically manage their ESG narratives and capitalize on the latest trends.​

Our Offerings

Jumpstart Sustainability Strategy
Assess maturity and readiness for an ESG transformation, lay out a strategy roadmap with milestones, and build a comprehensive and actionable plan with the help of our ESG & Sustainable Tech Consulting team

ESG Data Intelligence, Reporting and Risk Management
Gain business insights through efficient data curation, and analytics capabilities for data-driven ESG decision-making. Automate ESG reporting to trusted standards such as GRI, SASB, etc., and link them to UNSDG goals.

Manage Net Zero Transition
Control the ESG narrative, unlock silos, and operationalize the enterprise journey to achieve ESG targets.

Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Assess and enhance supply chain sustainability, including responsible sourcing, traceability, labor practices, and environmental impact

Green IT
Activate and accelerate sustainable IT practices with our technical expertise and thought leadership in creating an impact framework for Green IT to embed ESG within an IT organization

Seek Green Alpha
Unlock the potential of ESG and sustainability as a competitive advantage with Ifusion’s Triple Bottom Line motto, which includes the planet, people, and profit


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